I wouldn’t have been able to do or live the way I have in any other country. I decided to make America my home; looking back, I think it was the best decision at the time. America does provide you with opportunities, you can be who you are or make your own identity. You can be yourself. I have been fortunate, there were people around me, family, and friends who were always willing to help. I tried and lived my life the way I wanted to. The key is to try, I can say, I tried. Maybe I tried too hard!

Zarina’s website has been made, with her blessings, by her family members. It is a labor of love. The objective is for it to be an online resource and give insight to the viewer about the inspirations behind her works and her personal life. The website will also help the general public or those interested in Zarina’s works to explore her artworks and her life from a different point of view. It is a work-in-progress; we plan to keep adding to the site, make improvements, and add depth over time to make it a valuable resource.
Website Acknoledgements
The quotes included on the website are the words of Zarina that she has iterated in various conversations both on and off the record with family, friends, colleagues, and in several more formal or informal settings.
Firstly, we would like to thank Zarina’s close personal friends, Judy Reddy, Navina Haykel, and Ram Rahman, for their support and assistance in this ongoing project.
We appreciate the support from all three of Zarina’s galleries in terms of feedback, sourcing of images, and overall support that they provide, not only for the website but for Zarina’s work and ongoing projects.
Gallery Espace (Renu Modi and Gargi Gupta)
Galerie Jeanne Bucher Jaeger (Veronique Jaeger and Pernille Grane)
Luhring Augustine (Roland Augustine, Lawrence Luhring, Julia Speed, and Caroline Burghardt)
A special thanks to Tamara Schenkenberg from the Pulitzer Arts Foundation and her colleague, Heather Smith, for their support and assistance. Tamara went way beyond our expectations in taking the time and effort to meticulously go through the site and make detailed suggestions.
Aparna Kumar – Lecturer of Art History at UCLA – we appreciate the help she provided in the write-up and ideas in terms of the website content.
Laura Chen-Schultz and Amita Manghnani from the Asian/Pacific/American Institute at NYU for guiding us and helping us with the content, especially organizing and using Zarina’s quotes.
Allegra Pesenti (Paper Like Skin, Hammer Museum), for providing support and guidance.
Lisa Kohli for her advice and assistance and giving us ideas for future updates.
Yukari Edamitsu and Salwa Raza for sifting through the content, providing images, and testing the site.
Last but not least, the site developer, Erika from eapdesigns, for her patience, consideration, and a great attitude with which she has handled our ever-changing list of requests during the making of this website.